Dear Presidents, Country Representatives, WKO Branch Chiefs, National Coaches,
Dear Shihan, Sensei, Senpai, Dojo Leaders and Karateka’s.

On behalf of The Belgian Karate Organisation Shinkyokushin BKOS, the European Fullcontact Karate Organisation EFKO and Niji Yama Dojo, we are very honoured and proud to invite you to the

“Antwerp Fullcontact DIAMOND CUP 2023”

The “Antwerp Fullcontact DIAMOND CUP 2023”  will take place on Saturday, June 17th  in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.

As the preparations of the Antwerp Diamond Cup are ongoing and many volunteers are putting tremendous amounts of effort into the success of this year’s edition, we’re proud to announce the full support of the City of Antwerp.

This document will provide you with more information on the 2023 Antwerp Diamond Cup. As we move towards the event itself, more information will be provided to you if need be by e-mail and through our website Registration for participants and officials will open officially on March 1st 2023,  fill in the registration list and folow the registration through kumite technology Kumite Technology. Look for the announcement on our website!

This tournament is open for all fullcontact karate organisations and we work under the guides of the “European Fullcontact Karate organisation”. We are very sure that the family feeling of all karetakas combined with the “Never Give Up Spirit”, will deliver a successful event, giving fullcontact Karate the attention it deserves!


We are very honoured to enjoy the finest competitors of Europe and the world together with you! Friendships will be strengthened and they will unify our Fullcontact karate. Together we will stand strong! Osu!


Shihan Koen Spitaels, Shihan Martin Michel


ADC 2023 Official Invitation Final
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